Çerez Örnek

Cartagena Masters Double Degree Programme

Ege University Faculty of Agriculture and the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain are also carrying out a Double Diploma Programme for the Master's Degree in Horticulture. This double degree co-operation covers the field of "Horticulture". Participants in this double degree programme at Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture will receive a Master's Degree in Agricultural Engineering from Cartagena Technical University in addition to the Master's Degree in Horticulture from Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Graduates of the Master's Degree Programme at the Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the Technical University of Cartagena will be awarded a Master's Degree in "Advanced Applications in Research and Development in Agricultural and Food Sciences at the Technical University of Cartegena, Agricultural Engineering" and a Master's Degree in "Horticulture" at Ege University.


Protocol between Ege University and Cartagena Technical University for a Dual Diploma Programme for Master's Degree in Horticulture

This double degree co-operation covers the field of "Horticulture".

a) The parties to the Protocol agree

i.   Participants in this double degree programme at Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture will have a "Master's" Degree in Agricultural Engineering from the Technical University of Cartagena in addition to the Master's Degree in Horticulture from Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences.

ii.  Graduates of the Master's Degree Programme at the Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the Technical University of Cartagena will be awarded a Master's Degree in "Advanced Applications in Research and Development of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural and Food Sciences" at the Technical University of Cartagena and a Master's Degree in "Horticulture" at Ege University.

b) Students participating in this double diploma programme will be able to apply to the following Master's Programmes after preparing the necessary documents.

i.   Horticulture Master's Programme (Ege University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences)

ii.   Master's Programme in Advanced Applications in Research and Development in Agricultural and Food Sciences,

    Both universities have the right to use their own criteria and rules in the selection of students for the dual degree programme.

c) Students participating in the dual diploma programme will pay the tuition fees for the semesters they are on exchange to their home universities. Students will be exempt from the tuition fees of their home university.

I. Implementation of the Double Diploma Programme

II.1. Institutional Rules and Conditions for the Award of a Double Degree

The method to be followed in the implementation of the Dual Diploma Programme is stated below.

1. The language of the Joint Programme is English.

2. Students who will be accepted to this programme by Ege University must obtain a minimum score of 75 in Ege University School of Foreign Languages exam, 55 in KPDS-ÜDS exam or an equivalent score in international exams accepted by the Council of Higher Education.

3. Each student participating in the programme must have an advisor at both universities from the beginning of the first semester.

4. a. Students and their advisors are responsible for the distribution of semesters between the universities. However, it is recommended that students spend the first semester/year at their home university.

b. Students are required to take a total of 120 ECTS credits during the Master's programme. Exchange students are required to complete a minimum of 28 ECTS credits at UPCT and 30 ECTS credits at Ege University. These credits can be completed through courses, seminars, thesis studies, trainings in the private sector (Annex I, II, III).

c. Compulsory courses and the arrangement of the courses that students must take are determined by the partner universities at the beginning of each academic year.

d. ECTS credits can be taken from a third university in Spain recognised by the Council of Higher Education on behalf of the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain, if both parties agree. This credit should not be more than 1/3 of the total credits required.

5. Grading should be done according to the ECTS grading system (A to F).

6. The duration of the programme is 4 semesters.

7. Students are subject to the rules and regulations of the partner universities in which they are studying in each semester. Accordingly, the total duration, admission, registration suspension and extension procedures of the students are determined according to the rules of the partner universities.

8. Upon completion of the thesis, students must submit a copy of their thesis to both universities.

a. The thesis to be submitted to Ege University and UPCT must be written in English.

b. It is recommended that both advisors attend the thesis defence exam.

c. The thesis defence exam can be held in Izmir or Cartagena according to the joint decision of the student's advisors.

II. 2. Individual Conditions for the Awarding of a Double Degree

Students are awarded two separate diplomas, one from each university, after successfully completing the required credits at both universities. The name of the joint programme completed by the student is clearly indicated on both diplomas. Students are not entitled to receive either of the diplomas without fulfilling the academic requirements of the international joint programme for dual diplomas at both institutions.

II. 3. Curriculum and Examination Procedure for Coordination

1. Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences and UPCT are responsible for announcing the exchange programme offered by them 3 months before the beginning of the semester in each exchange year.

2. During the exchange period, all students are obliged to comply with the educational and examination conditions of the host university.

3. During the exchange year, the issues related to the make-up exams of those who do not attend the first exams or fail will be resolved by the student's home university.

4. Students participating in the programme are obliged to comply with other academic and non-academic rules at both universities and to fulfil the standards of "good academic standing". The universities will provide each student with the rules and regulations of their respective universities in their own language and in English. Students who violate the general rules of the university may be subject to withdrawal of the rights granted and even dismissal from the exchange programme.

Ege Üniversitesi